Powerful 2-way SMS text message platform delivers outstanding results using state of the art chat bot technology

Get 98% of your messages opened and read within 3 minutes!
Deliver targeted SMS campaigns using our totally unique SMS platform that rewards existing customers with exclusive offers and converts cold enquires to new customers on autopilot

Total Flexibility - Outstanding performance - Unrivalled service

It is a simple process anyone can set up to provide outstanding results for incredibly happy clients
You can provide almost instant results tapping into the low hanging fruit
Engage and Incentivise existing customers
Local businesses all store customer contact details including mobile phone numbers, make sure they have permission to contact their customers with marketing messages and simply...

Convert cold leads to paying Customers
We have developed a totally unique chat bot that converts cold enquires to hot leads and delivers coupon codes or special offers on complete autopilot
Use our "done for you" social media covers, banners, and printed flyers to get the word out fast that your client is launching a new VIP rewards club
All messages sent to the number with the Unique Keyword are automatically added to a contact list and receive an automated reply

Quickly and easily Create special offers and events
Here is a typical chat bot flow for a local car repair and valet company using a 20% discount offer off a full car service
Its painting by numbers easy to create unlimited chat bot flows that add revenue and build the brand

In this example all messages sent to the exclusive local car repair and valet company number with the keyword, SERVICE triggers the bot into action and directs the conversation to confirm a service and an add on sale of a choice of valet and the customer details are saved to a segmented phone book contact list
Add a concierge service for local business owners and increase your monthly fees
Maximise Conversions using live chat
Following up on recently booked table reservations using the online booking system can double the show rate and this is a great way to provide the personal touch to your restaurant clients customers
Sending a more personalized message instantly builds massive engagement and more importantly commitment
You can see the effect this can have on a typical reservation and the best part is it takes less than 2 minutes and costs a few cents per customer to complete!
Adding personal follow up SMS messages is a great way to consolidate the customer booking and you can engage with unlimited customers directly inside the app in minutes
Here is the live reply to the customer booking confirmed by the bot above

Send targeted campaigns to 1000s with exclusive offers
Keyword Campaigns
Use our targeted keyword campaigns to segment customers based on offers and actions
Send a bulk 2-way message asking for a reply to a keyword, in this example its GYMOFFER and all replies are moved to a new phone book and the customer is provided with an exclusive code and a link to a latest offers landing page
Create social media banners and instore flyers and posters using our done for you resources to increase conversions further

Create set and forget Autoresponder campaigns
Deliver the latest offers direct to your customers phone every day, week or month to suit your clients business on autopilot
Simply create a landing page and upload the latest offers and deals
Create the autoresponder message and add the link to the landing page
Set the message to deliver weekly, monthly or at a custom time to suit and the messages are delivered on autopilot
It really doesn’t get any easier to drive more customers each and every week with the minimum amount of work required

Client Prospecting doesn’t get any Easier
Automated lead generation takes a cold local business enquiry and converts into a hot prospect
We have created a powerful demo funnel and the sole aim of your prospecting efforts is to get as many potential local business owners as possible to access it and join the VIP Club in real time
The power of a live demo in Real Time!
You can create compelling demos using the features of the app to easily convert cold enquires to hot leads
If you want to automate even more of the prospecting process use our 7 day trial strategy which includes exclusivity for each restaurant type
You can see from the live demo video below and the screen shots how this demo funnel creates urgency and scarcity with no interaction required
This strategy ensures you can convert clients much quicker because no one wants to wait to “think about it” and risk missing out on the offer to their main competitor!
Whilst sales pages, video explainers, webinars etc all have a part to play to convert prospects to customers nothing beats the sheer power of using a live demo!
Imagine the excitement of a business owner seeing something they instantly know can work for them
They can see its going to be affordable and the icing on the cake is they can test it for FREE for 7 days
Whats not to like about FREE!
Here is an example of an automated demo process, Simple but super powerful automated lead generation using SMS text messages

Local Business Owner sends a text with the keyword to your own allocated number
Automated chat bot reply collects the enquiry name and sends a personalized reply with a link to the information
Restaurant Owner opens the message and clicks the link to get more info (We all do in a text message)
Here is the simple process
Create a landing page using our done for you template to provide the information and important demo links
The local business owner scrolls through the information and clicks the demo link to join the club and is immediately directed to a landing page to view the latest offers
From here you can provide more information about the business and more exclusive offers using our done for you banners and flyers

Simple quick and easy, automation at its best!
This is advanced technology simply not found in any other app or service, even the $100 per month VIP club services don’t have anything near to these powerful features
But it gets even better...
100% Mobile Responsive so you never miss a lead!
We are all busy people and not always sat at the PC, but we do always have our phone
We have created a yet another totally unique feature that allows you to set up an instant notification that is sent to your phone when a new enquiry replies to any keyword you have set up
Add the phone number that you want to receive the update to the chat flow and each new enquiry triggers the alert and provides the number of the enquiry and the keyword

Login to the app on your PC, find the enquiry and reply in real time or login to the app directly from your own phone and make unlimited replies to unlimited enquires in real time
Need a gentle push to close the deal
Use live chat to send a personal message, in this example we remind the business owner that we partner with only 1 business type per area which is a soft sell approach that works like gangbusters
As a business owner, would you risk taking even 1 more day to make a decision?
Simple but immensely powerful closing technique
System can handle hundreds of replies
Get the demo in the hands of as many prospective clients as possible and sit back and wait for the replies
Here is an example of a live reply
You have received an alert that a new enquiry has entered the demo funnel
You find the flow in the app based on the owner’s number and you can see they have gone through the demo funnel, joined the VIP Club and clicked to view the landing page offers
The owner can’t fail to be impressed with the system and now is a perfect time to follow up
Using live chat, simply send a quick follow up 60 – 90 minutes after the demo and because it is sent as a text message the client is going to read it and act on it

Never miss an enquiry even when you are closed, or your clients business is closed
Provide automated updates and answers to business enquiries even when the business is closed
Use the chat bot to provide general information and links to important web page information
Never miss an enquiry from a new business owner, never miss an enquiry for your local business clients
This is without doubt the most comprehensive SMS platform ON THE PLANET and provides a total solution
Outstanding Delivery
We connect to worldwide, industry leading platforms to provide outstanding service and fast delivery
Local quality
With Global Low Latency (GLL), your messages automatically take the shortest and highest quality path. Local carrier connections worldwide help us validate that your messages can be delivered, and you receive real-time delivery status
Local numbers for better conversions and 2-way messages
According to recent research, as many as 64% of customers want to be able to engage with companies via two-way messaging and acquiring a long number (also known as a virtual mobile number) enables businesses to do just that.
It has also been proven that customers much prefer to call and text local numbers rather than national telephone or short code text message numbers

You can provide a local number to each of your clients based on their exact location
Each customer can register their own brand ID which is what the recipient sees when a 1-way message is delivered (Not available in US, only number is used for 1- and 2-way messages)
Send 2-way messages from a unique local telephone number to domestic numbers (Mobile Numbers only UK)
Great for local restaurants to use for promotions to create long term value
Automatic built in opt Out process
Add an automatic opt out link in each message and recipient is automatically removed from all contact lists for 100% compliance

Campaign reports
See the stats on all campaigns sent, you can view each recipient and the success of the message
Delivery reports
View detailed delivery reports on all messages sent and received
Sending credits are automatically deducted for the account balance for messages sent and received

We provide a full 2 way service in, US, Canada, Australia and the UK
We include a unique local telephone number as part of this offer
Additional numbers can also be purchased for clients directly inside the app and the cost is from just $2 per month per number paid annually in advance
Credits are pay as you go and are purchased directly inside the app, we include 60 days of service, after this time, providing a minimum spend of $10 per month is being made for credits, the rental of your unique telephone number is included in the annual license fee

Buy credits at a discounted rate
If you are based in the US and Canada you can buy 1000 credits for just $15
UK credits cost 0.06 cents, Australia cost 0.10 cents
Can you imagine the results you can achieve for your clients..
Sending 1000 messages and getting over 900 opened and read within 3 minutes for just $15
Providing professional services has never been easier or more Profitable!
Everything you need is included today
NO other tools, resources or 3rd party integrations required
Setting up the SMS text message platform is quick and easy
You control your own business directly from within the platform
Sell your services at your own rates
Buy client credits at discounted rates and sell retail for additional profits
Genuine opportunity to create a full-time income working part time hours
90% set and forget automation, do the work once and get paid month after month
No selling required, simply set up a FREE 500 credit 7 day trial and provide guaranteed results
If there is an easier way to sign up local clients ON MONTHLY RETAINERS...
I am yet to see it!

So, let me ask you...
What would you expect to pay for this complete business in a box?
You can find a few other VIP Reward club systems for marketers to use to provide services and typically they sell for $97 - $197 PER MONTH simply because they work like gangbusters
No other service provides advanced 2-way chat bot technology or anywhere near the number of unique features included in our platform
We include a client portal to enable marketers to provide services directly from within the app and there are no complicated 3rd party integrations
Buy and sell credits for additional profits directly inside the app
Ready to get Started...
We include all of the powerful features as standard